Thursday 31 January 2019

Science Laboratory Safety Symbols

In order to maintain a safe workplace and avoid accidents, lab safety symbols and signs need to be posted throughout the workplace
Depending upon the scientific research being conducted, a lab can be filled with dangerous chemicals, radioactive substances, biological specimens, sharp instruments, breakable glassware, and flammable objects. Thus, those working in labs need to be keenly aware of the many dangers associated with these items. In order to maintain a safe workplace and avoid accidents, lab safety symbols and signs need to be posted throughout the workplace. Researchers, staff, and visitors should note and understand the hazard communication information on the laboratory safety signs, including specific hazardous agents (biological, chemical, radiological), physical hazards (lasers, magnetic fields) present in the space, stated precautions (no food or drink allowed), and required personal protective equipment (lab coats, eye protection, gloves, etc.).
The following laboratory safety symbols warn of possible dangers in the laboratory to help lab professionals keep safe and informed.
Physical Safety Symbols

1. Gloves Required
Gloves required lab safety symbol
Look for the gloves safety symbol to identify when hand protection should be worn for handling hazardous materials, even in small quantities. It is important to choose the appropriate type of glove for the hazard present, such as chemical resistant gloves, heat resistant gloves, etc. Be aware that no chemical resistant glove protects against all chemical hazards. Read the Material Safety Data Sheet for guidance on the appropriate type of glove to wear, or consult with lab supply distributors for glove vs. chemical comparison charts when choosing chemically resistant gloves. Be aware that some materials may cause reactions in some workers such as allergies to latex. Make sure the gloves fit properly.

2. Boots Required
Boot required lab safety symbol
The laboratory boots required safety symbol indicates when street shoes are not adequate for certain lab-related tasks. Chemical resistant overshoes or boots should be used to avoid possible exposure to corrosive chemicals or large quantities of solvents or water that might penetrate normal footwear. Leather shoes tend to absorb chemicals and may have to be discarded if contaminated with a hazardous material. In a lab, dropping a beaker of acid will soon destroy an ordinary pair of shoes. Specialized laboratory footwear is designed for specific applications and settings.

3. Protective Clothing
Protective clothing lab safety symbol
The protective clothing safety symbol indicates that a lab coat or other protective clothing needs to be worn. There are several types of lab coats for different types of protection. Cotton protects against flying objects, sharp or rough edges, and is usually treated with a fire retardant. Since many synthetic fabrics can adhere to skin when burning, cotton is the most preferred laboratory clothing fabric. Wool protects against splashes of molten materials, small quantities of acid, and small flames. Synthetic fibers protect against sparks and infrared or ultraviolet radiation. Aluminized and reflective clothing protect against radiant heat.

4. Safety Glasses
Safety glasses required lab safety symbol
The eye protection safety sign indicates there is the possibility of chemical, environmental, radiological, or mechanical irritants and hazards in the laboratory. Eyeshields, also called safety glasses, goggles, or spectacles, not only provide protection against flying debris and chemical splashes in the lab, but may also protect against visible and near visible light or radiation from UV rays, depending on the lens material. The most popular lens material for lab safety eyewear is polycarbonate. This material has less than half the weight of glass, making the eyewear more comfortable to wear. Modern eyeshield designs offer anti-slip nose bridges, anti-fog lenses, and coatings, which make them resistant to acids, caustics, and hydrocarbons.

5. Breathing Masks
Breathing mask required lab safety symbol
Respirators are designed to prevent contaminated air from entering the body. “Half mask” respirators cover just the nose and mouth; “full face” respirators cover the entire face; and “hood” or “helmet” style respirators cover the entire head. Respirators can protect the user in two ways: By cleaning the “dirty” outside air that passes through a filter or adsorption bed or both when one inhales; or by supplying clean breathing air from a remote source. The clean air can either be delivered via a supply line, or the clean air is packaged and carried with you

6. Eye Wash Station
Eye wash station lab safety symbol
The eye wash safety sign indicates the location of an eyewash station. Eye wash stations provide a continuous, low-pressure stream of aerated water in laboratories in which chemical or biological agents are used or stored and in facilities where nonhuman primates are handled. The eyewash station should be easily accessible from any part of the laboratory and, if possible, located near the safety shower so that, if necessary, the eyes can be washed while the body is showered.

7. Safety Shower
Safety shower lab safety symbol
Safety showers need to be installed in all areas where laboratory employees may be exposed to splashes or spills of materials that may be injurious to the eyes and body. As a general rule, new shower installations should adhere to the recommendations for shower location and minimum performance requirements established in American National Standard Z-358.1 (1998). Showers should be placed as close to the hazard as possible, but in no case more than 10 seconds' travel time from the hazard. Safety shower signage should be prominently displayed close to the shower.

8. Wash Hands
Wash hands lab safety symbol
Hand washing is a primary safeguard against inadvertent exposure to toxic chemicals or biological agents. The wash hands safety sign lets lab personnel know to wash their hands after removing soiled protective clothing, before leaving the laboratory, and before eating, drinking, smoking, or using a rest room. Workers should also wash their hands periodically during the day at intervals dictated by the nature of their work. Wash with soap and running water, with hands held downward to flush the contamination off the hands. Turn the tap off with a clean paper towel to prevent recontamination, and dry hands with clean towels.

9. Food & Drink Prohibited
Food and drink prohibited lab safety symbol
A no food and drink safety sign lets lab personnel know that eating and/or drinking where hazardous materials are used, handled, or stored is not permitted, as such activity can result in the accidental ingestion of hazardous materials (chemical, biological, and/or radiological). Food or beverage containers may not be stored in the laboratory and washed drinking cups, food containers, or eating utensils may not be dried on laboratory drying racks. Refrigerators used for storage of research materials must not be used for storage of food or beverages.
Fire Safety Symbols

10. Fire Extinguisher
Fire extinguisher lab safety syy76mbol
Fires can happen anywhere, but lab fires can be even more dangerous due to Bunsen burners, flammable liquids, research documents, laptops, and lab equipment that might be present at any given time. Due to these unique circumstances, it’s important that every lab be prepared with the correct fire extinguisher, inspection requirements, and training. It is essential that the occupants of a laboratory are fully aware of the risks and the appropriate extinguishing media. A fire extinguisher safety sign indicates the exact location of a lab’s fire extinguisher.

11. Fire Blanket
Fire blanket lab safety symbol

The fire blanket safety sign indicates where a fire blanket is located in the lab. Housed in a case or not, the woolen blanket is used for smothering fires and for containing and controlling chemical spills.
If someone in the lab should catch fire, he or she should get on the ground and start rolling to extinguish the flames. Lab personnel can assist by using the blanket to speed extinguishing the fire, preventing further injury.
Depriving the fire of the oxygen that it needs to continue burning.

12. No Open Flames
No open flames lab safety symbol
Bunsen burners, lighters, matches, and any other flame-producing devices are considered “open flame devices.” Open flame devices carry with them the risk of unintentional fire and serious consequences when not used appropriately. Most organic chemicals are flammable. The chance of a fire is substantially increased when open flames are present. No open flames safety signage indicates to lab personnel the risk and prohibition of open flame devices.

First Aid Symbols
13. First Aid Station
First aid station lab safety symbols
The first aid station safety symbolsdicates the availability of a first aid kit. The kit should be easily accessible to other lab locations that belong to a particular group. The first aid kit should contain the items recommended in the First Aid Kit Policy and Guidelines for Laboratories. It should be inspected monthly to ensure that no items are missing and that none of the remedies (e.g., saline solution, ointment) in the kit have expired.
Hazard Symbols

14. Health Hazard
Health hazard lab safety symbol
The health hazard sign denotes chemicals in the lab that can cause serious, often long-term health problems. Hazards include carcinogens, respiratory sensitizers, reproductive toxins, aspiration toxins, target organ toxins, and mutagens. An important step in protecting worker health is recognizing the various health hazards in the lab, as ignorance of the harmful effects of laboratory materials can have serious and even fatal consequences.

Biohazard lab safety symbol
The biohazard lab safety sign warns of lab equipment such as fridges or freezers that either contains biohazardous materials or could be contaminated with biohazardous material such as blood samples. This sign also marks entire areas of the lab that either contain or are exposed to biohazards, for example, a lab working with infectious agents. Workers should always wear the proper PPE and follow proper procedures when working with such agents. Managers should also have an effective exposure control plan in place in case of an emergency. Regular cleaning and decontamination of areas and equipment that are exposed to biohazards is also a must.

16. Harmful Irritant
Harmful irritant lab safety symbol
Substances labelled with the irritant symbol are not corrosive, but they can cause discomfort and reddening, irritation, or blistering of the skin. Laboratory workers should handle irritants carefully. Working with irritants in the fume hood can help individuals avoid inhalation. Examples of irritant substances include ammonia, chloroform, and chlorine.

17. Poison/Toxic Material
Poison / toxic material lab safety symbol
The toxic material symbol indicates the presence of substances that may harm an individual if they enter the body. Possible routes of exposure to toxic materials are through inhalation, skin contact, and ingestion. The hazards and health effects associated with toxic materials depend on the specific material in question, the route of exposure, and the concentration of the material.

18. Corrosive Material Hazard
Corrosive materials hazard lab safety sign
The corrosive material hazard laboratory safety sign indicates corrosive substances in the lab that can eat away the skin if you come into direct contact with them. Such materials should always be stored at the proper humidity and temperature conditions in the proper cabinets. All employees who handle corrosive substances should be properly trained and wear gloves, protective clothing, and face protection.

19. Explosive Hazard
Explosive hazard lab safety symbol
The exploding bomb symbol will appear on chemicals in the lab that have explosive properties; these include unstable explosives (solid or liquid chemicals capable of a chemical reaction that damages surroundings), self-reactive substances and mixtures (substances and mixtures that may cause fire or explosion in the absence of air), and organic peroxides.

20. High Voltage
High voltage lab safety symbol
The high voltage warning symbol, which includes a lightning bolt arrow in a yellow triangle, warns of voltage high enough to cause serious injury or death. In general, you should stay away from equipment or areas of the lab marked with this symbol, though if you do need to work close to such
hazards, protective clothing and rubber gloves should be worn.

Science Laboratory Safety Symbols In order to maintain a safe workplace and avoid accidents, lab safety symbols and signs need...